Crypto capital reddit

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Reddit Co-founder Alexis Ohanian on crypto and blockchain in venture capital As you My plan is to hold until my crypto balance (after capital gains) equates to my mortgage. Calculate a moderate and safe 9% per anum and you're good to go, passive investing doing nothing. Anything else would be risky. Your capital is. EDIT: Yes, these were crypto-to-crypto trades (i.e. Bitcoin for Ethereum, Ethereum for Litecoin). If your capital losses exceed your capital.
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After that, we scoured these subreddits manually to make sure the cryptocurrencies we were selecting were mentioned in a positive sense bullish and read the reasons Redditors are giving for their optimism around these currencies. This would certainly be easier than trying to outcompete them in a platform war. These investments are expected to improve the fundamentals of the industry and would help the industry move beyond speculation and meme investing. Fahad Saleem.