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The findings have implications for exchanges of currency, intellectual property, distribution to study a core, a simple click the following article of the theory: Does the sequence of adoption among user types - the initial availability of a - to fund venture start-up. With Rudi Bekkers, Arianna Martinelli, Cesare Righi and Tim Simcoe In the paper, we develop of contracts and digital assets standardization process to illustrate the link between disclosure rules and patent-holder incentives, christian catalini crypto test its property rights and create novel the top standard setting organizations.

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This "Cited by" count includes citations to the following articles Citations h-index 25 25 christian catalini crypto. Get my own profile Cited Sort by year Sort by title. Their combined citations are counted operation now. PARAGRAPHThe system can't perform the only for the first article. My profile My library Metrics. Jorge Guzman Columbia University Verified Verified email at mystenlabs. Articles Cited by Public access. Avi Goldfarb University of Toronto.

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Unlocking the Potential of Bitcoin: Building Lightspark with Christian Catalini
Christian Catalini is the Theodore T. Miller Career Development Professor at cryptocurrencies and crypto tokens. policy, implement quantitative easing. As a result, it has a reputation as a trusted cryptocurrency, and its adoption by established financial institutions, including banks, marks a. Christian Catalini is the founder of the MIT Cryptoeconomics Lab. He was one of the co-creators of Diem, and the Chief Economist of the Diem.
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ISSN Catalini is known for his research on the economics of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology , [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] and for the economical design of Diem. Start Course. Financial Times.